Ancient African Archaeological Discoveries (2012-13)
Area Where Ancient African Coins Found in Australia to be Surveyed
A Kilwan coin, c. British Museum
Archaeologists are surveying the Northern Australian beach where five copper coins from Southeast Africa's Kilwa kingdom were discovered back in 1944. The results of the surveying could shed
light on how the 12th century coins arrived.
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World's Oldest Known Harbor in Egypt
A 4,500-year-old papyrus discovered at Wadi al-Jarf, c. Egypt SCA
Remains of an ancient harbor built in the age of Suten Khufu (Fourth Dynasty, c. 2589-2566 BC) and several papyrus documents written in Medu Neter (hieroglyphs) were uncovered at Wadi al-Jarf, on the Red Sea in Egypt. According to archaeologists,
this harbor predates any other in the world by over 1,000 years. The 40 papyri are written testimonies providing insight to the daily life in Khufu's 27th year on the throne, including a high-ranking official named Merrer's account of
transporting limestone for the construction of the Great Pyramid.
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World's Oldest Evidence of Use of Fire in South Africa
South Africa's Wonderwerk Cave has long been known for its impressive ancient artwork, but only recently for its
historical significance. Boston University archeaologists unearthed soil from the site that was found to contain ashes
dating to a million years or 200,000 years older than when fire was thought to have been used. Analyses suggest that fires were continuously used, and have fueled speculation about their use as a means of indoor heating, warding of
animals and cooking.
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35 Small Pyramids in Sedeinga, Sudan
The French Archaeological Unit is excavating the bases of 35 pyramids made mud and stone bricks near Sedeinga, along the Nile in Northern Sudan.
The 200-year-old pyramids and inscriptions are thought to be the tombs of wealthy individuals, ranging in height from 3 feet for children to about 32
feet high for the wealthiest adults.
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One of the world's oldest Sun Dials in Egypt's "Valley of the Kings"
A 13th century sun dial (credit: Basel University)
Basel University archaeologists uncovered a 3,300-year-old sun dial in Souther Egypt's Valley of the Kings. The
obvious sundial is made from a flattened piece of limestone with black paint drawing of a sectioned semi circle (divided into 12 parts, 15 degrees each)
and a hole for a stick. This discovery occurred near the site where the same team of researchers uncovered the tomb of Nehmes Bastet (see below).
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Stone Towers and Painting in Dongola, Sudan
Remnants of a structure, including sandstone towers and walls, were uncovered by University of Warsaw
archaeologists in Dongola, in Dongola, Central Sudan. In addition to this discovery, the team found part of a
Christian painting with both Old Nubian and Greek inscriptions at a nearby church that dates from the 800s AD. Dongola is well known as a medieval Christian city and capital of Makuria.
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Depiction of Noble Woman in Meroe, Sudan
A 2,000-year-old carving of a Kushite noble woman (credit: Krzysztof Grzymski)
The 2,000-year-old depiction of a noble woman (possibly a queen, but since the headdress was damaged it is unknown) from a palace in Meroe, an ancient capital of Kush, was put on display at the Royal Ontario Museum.
While archaeologists originally discovered it in fragments in 2007, it was only recently reconstucted.
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First Use of Poison on Earth in South Africa
Bordeaux University researchers uncovered the earliest known eveidence of the use of poison by humans in the Border
Cave in the Lebomobo Mountains of South Africa. Dating to over 24,000 years, wooden measuring sticks found in the 1970s were recently analysed and discovered to contain evidence of castor beans, a poisonous substance that were applied to arrowheads in a similar way the San people use today. The poisonous substance would have aided hunters at more quickly killing their prey, making this the earliest example anywhere on earth of tactical hunting.
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Ancient Jewelry, Pottery, Tools in Senegal
Floods helped uncover jewelry, pottery and tools that could date to between
2,000 and 7,000 BC. A Cheikh Anta Diop University reseracher found the artifacts
while visiting a flood zone on the outskirts of Dakar, Senegal.
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Temple of Amun at Jebel Barkal, Sudan Is Older than Originally Thought
University of Auckland researchers unearthed the foundations of a
temple complex underneath another structure that was previously
thought to have been built during the reign of Akhenaten (c. 1350 BC).
The new find pushes back the dates of the temple to around 1550 BC
instead, at the start of the 18th Dynasty under Ahmose I.
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Temple, Tall Stele, Ancient Gold Mine in Gheralta Plateau, Ethiopia
A 20-ft stone stele with an Old Ethiopic or "Sabean" inscription and
royal symbol,
near a temple with stone columns and an ancient gold mine with a shaft
on the Gheralta plateau in Ethiopia. The find helps verify
stories in historical texts such as the Kebra Negast, Bible and Quran,
that tell of the Queen of Sheba's (Makeda) visit to Jerusalem
with large quantities of gold.
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Kemetic Horemakhet ("Sphinx") in Tel Hazor, Israel
The discovery of fragments of a horemakhet ("sphinx") statute dedicated to Old Kingdom Suten, Menkaure,
were found during excavations in Galilee. Menkaure was an 4th Dynasty (c. 2500 BC) suten who commissioned the
smallest of the three great pyramids of Giza. The find serves as a stark reminder of Dynastic Kemet's influence in
Palestine and beyond at the time.
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Wooden Statue, Large Structure, Chapels and Animal Mummies in Abydos, Egypt
A rare wooden statue of a woman (believed to be Hatshepsut), a mud-brick building, separate offering chapels, and over 80 animal mumies were found by University of Toronto archaeologists in Abydos, a sacred city in ancient Kemet. The structures are believed to have
been owned by a wealthy family and constructed as a monument on a ceremonial processional route where ancient Africans made pilgrimmages.
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Temple Complex in Vad Bon Naga, Sudan
A team of Czech archaeologists from the Naprstek Museum rediscovered
the remains of a temple near Vad Bon Naga, just north of Khartoum
in central Sudan. The temple features images of both the lion-god,
Apede-mak, and as statue of Osiris, and was likely built during the
Meroitic period (900 BC-400 AD).
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Tomb of Ancient Singer in Valley of the Kings
Basel University archaeologists stumbled upon the tomb and remains of Nehmes Bastet, a singer for Amun Ra, in the
Valley of the Kings in Southern Egypt. The inscription located in the tomb shed light on the life of Nehmes, who
lived during the 22nd dynasty (945-712 BC) and was the daughter of the High Priest of Amun. The location of the
tomb brings to light the fact that not only the Valley of the Kings was not just where royals were entombed.
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